How To Get The Most Out Of Your Spring Clean

Cleaning and de-cluttering tasks never really end, especially if you have little ones running around! In 2020, households in the UK created 27 million tonnes of waste which means we all need to think about disposing of our rubbish in efficient and eco-friendly ways. Here are our favourite tips to help you with your big cleans.
Check your products
Any bottles of cleaning supplies you may have bought ahead of the task can be harmful to our environment. Always check where yours come from and if they are potentially dangerous. In recent years there have been developments within sustainable cleaning products including companies like Smol who have already decreased the plastic in our oceans by 790 tonnes.
Go room-by-room
Plan a route through the house so the task doesn’t seem too daunting. Perhaps you can start in the highest bedroom and work your way down the kitchen. If you would rather go by priority then start with the most important room first. Doing one room at a time can make the entire task easier and relieve you of unnecessary stress.
The easiest way to clear out unwanted items is to de-clutter each room. Pick out things you no longer need or will not be using again and decide what you are going to do with them. Whether that be items of value, clothing, or simply rubbish.
Donate or sell
Any items that you can pick out of your home that could be of value to someone else can be sold or donated. There are several selling sites where you can advertise your unwanted goods such as Facebook Marketplace, Gumtree, eBay, and Vinted. Alternatively, you can give them away by advertising them as free to a good home, or surrender them to a charity shop near you.
Make the task fun
Put your favourite playlist on or create a new game to make the task easier. You could ask a friend or family member to get involved too to get it finished quicker.